You may have noticed, if you’re a regular to my blog, I have been on hiatus. It’s taken me a semester to get to the point where I can pen a post, because I took a new position at the University I work for, and have been super busy learning the position and serving the students.

The position was a good move for me, I’m reaching and engaged with more students than ever before and actually helping them. However, it’s taken a toll on my energy levels. Being empathetic tends to take a lot of energy and recovering that energy is not always easy, especially when you’ve got a mental illness.
I came across a great article about empaths that I found interesting. If you’d like more information click here:
But don’t worry about me! I take this as I’ve taken every other hurdle to come my way; as a challenge! I know that I am making a difference in the lives of these students, and thus making a larger impact on the University that I work for. Now, I just need to be able to reserve some energy for myself. Wish me luck!